What? Is it too bright now? Silly boy...
We worked on different surfaces today and he did great. So I suspect he just doesn't like getting his feet wet. But it's still a good idea to get him use to different surfaces (grates, slick surfaces, gravel, etc.). That's just a normal part of socialization that's important to a dog's development. It's often overlooked until you have an adult dog who refused to walk on the slick floor at the vet's office.
We've been working on "leave it" and he's doing great! I start out with a lower value treat that I'm offering up to him (initially in a closed hand) and tell him "leave it" once and then wait him out. He will try different things to get the treats and I patiently wait for him to try the behavior I want.
The second he backs off of it, I mark it with "Yes!" and give him a higher value treat from the other hand. He quickly figures out that it pays off well for him to leave the item. I never give him the treats from the "leave it" pile. I don't want him to think that he gets to have that item after he has left it (imagine coming across unknown medication on the floor and telling him to "leave it" only for him to leave it and then go back for a taste). I also make sure that I'm only saying it once so he learns to listen the first time I say it and I say in an upbeat tone. Not a harsh, booming "LEAVE IT!!" When I say it in an upbeat tone, he's happy to comply because it tells him that good things are coming.
He's doing great with his "Go to your mat" command! We've practiced in various locations, various mats, etc.
Now we are starting to send him to his mat from a distance. He's progressing very nicely. Just in time for the Tooth Fairy to pay a little visit. One biscuit for one tooth.
He's also during really nicely on his stays. We added a few more distractions in today (there were dogs playing behind me) so he was breaking a lot in the beginning which tells me a couple of things. We've either added in too many distractions or I am not rewarding fast enough.
He's a pretty focused guy so I first try increase the rate at which I am reinforcing him. That did the trick and he was able to handle the level of distractions.
His tricks are coming along nicely too. He loves to roll over! I'm getting to the point where I can hold under his chin with one finger over his nose while I treat him so we're getting closer to putting a treat on his nose.
Indy has been a very good student...
And a lot of fun to have around!
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