Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day Ten -- Wrapping Up

Oh Indy, it has been such a pleasure having you here.

He has worked hard this week.

And played hard too.

By today, he was fine with the house being torn down behind us (despite his ears being back in this picture). No barking or hackling and he could easily play in the yard (and do his business) without any problems. He was a little barky when the yard maintenance person was in the back but he recovered quickly and was soon wiggling up to him for attention. When we allow him to explore scary things on his own and slowly get acclimated, he doesn't start to anticipate being pressured into an uncomfortable situation.

Having the added distraction of someone new was a great opportunity to practice his recall which is coming along very nicely. He's coming very quickly and reliably right now.

He's doing well with most everything...just don't put a treat on this boy's nose.

Everyone will miss him.

He gets along with everyone he meets.

It helps that he has such nice manner.

Everyone will be sad when he goes...

But it's time to go home and see your family. That will bring you all sorts of happiness tomorrow!

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